
Keywords are at the core of any effective SEO campaign. They determine where your website ranks in search engines, leading to more visitors and leads for your business. But finding suitable keywords for your business can be challenging: it requires understanding both your audience as well as using tools and tactics that help identify keywords with the highest likelihood of driving quality traffic to your website.

Keep in mind that the right keywords don’t always need to be the most popular or high-performing ones; even keywords with lower search volumes could still prove useful if their competition level and specificity outstrip other popular options. For instance, using long-tail terms like “best video editing apps for Instagram” might have lower monthly searches but provide more relevant results to searchers, making it less competitive and likely to generate qualified traffic that turns into customers.

Search intent is key when selecting keywords; it allows you to understand why users search. Search intent helps determine what content will best meet a user’s needs – informational keywords (like “how to” and “what”) likely fall under this category, while navigational queries like “best gaming desk” suggest navigational requests from searchers. Commercial or transactional keywords indicate users are ready to buy, typically ranking higher on SERPs.

Once you have identified the keywords to target, it’s essential to map them to individual pages on your website. Doing this will ensure you are prioritizing keywords with high relevance to your business while optimizing pages specifically for those keywords. Furthermore, mapping will enable you to gain visibility of real monthly search volumes (as opposed to averaged figures provided by tools such as Google) as well as seasonality or trends in popularity for each keyword.

Once your keywords have been established, it’s essential to review and adjust them regularly as search trends and user behaviors change. Constantly reviewing and optimizing your keyword strategy will ensure maximum efficiency with each SEO campaign.


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